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今井 俊介 Shunsuke Imai


September 21 (sat) - October 19 (sat), 2024

Open Wed - Sat, 12:00-19:00 (closed on Sun, Mon, and Tue)

Opening: September 21, 2024   18:00-19:00

Press Release   EN / JP

installation view photo by Ken Kato

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HAGIWARA PROJECTSでは、9月21日(土)より今井俊介の個展「fields」を開催いたします。今井は2022年に丸亀市猪熊弦一郎現代美術館、2023年には東京オペラシティアートギャラリーで大規模な個展を開催し、注目を集めました。これらの展覧会では、彼の特徴である波打つストライプと鮮やかな色彩が、作品同士響き合いながら空間に広がる、開放感あふれる展示が展開されました。







今井俊介(いまい しゅんすけ)

1978 年 福井県生まれ、東京都在住。2004 年武蔵野美術大学大学院造形研究科美術専攻油絵コース修了。主な個展に、「スカートと⾵景」東京オペラシティアートギャラリー(2023, 東京)、「スカートと⾵景」丸⻲市猪熊弦⼀郎現代美術館(2022, 香川)、「range finder」Kunstverein Grafschaft Bentheim (2019, Neuenhaus, ドイツ)、「第8回 shiseido art egg今井俊介 “range finder”」資生堂ギャラリー(2014, 東京)など。主なグループ展に「⽇本現代美術私観:⾼橋⿓太郎コレクション」東京都現代美術館 (2024,東京)、「いろ・いろいろ。 ⾊と作品の世界。」福井県⽴美術館(2021, 福井)、「MOTコレクション ただいま/はじめまして」東京都現代美術館 (2019, 東京)、「Reborn - 未来を発明 コレクション x 現代作家」福井県立美術館 (2019, 福井)、「絵画の現在」府中市美術館(2018,東京)、「オープンシアター KAAT 突然ミュージアム 2016」KAAT神奈川芸術劇場(2016, 神奈川)、「となりの人びと -現代美術in春日井」春日井文化フォーラム (2016, 愛知)、「VOCA展2015 現代美術の展望-新しい平面の作家たち」上野の森美術館 (2015, 東京)、「絵画の在りか」東京オペラシティアートギャラリー(2014, 東京)など。


HAGIWARA PROJECTS is pleased to announce the solo exhibition "fields" by Shunsuke Imai, opening on Saturday, September 21st. Imai garnered attention for his large-scale solo exhibitions at the Marugame Inokuma-Genichiro Museum of Contemporary Art in 2022 and at the Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery in 2023. These exhibitions featured his signature undulating stripes and vibrant colors, creating an expansive, open space where the works resonated with one another.


This will be the first solo exhibition at the gallery in four years. The exhibition will showcase new paintings featuring boldly cropped color fields and drawing works that combine paper cut with a laser cutter. The title "fields" evokes landscapes framed by color, while also referencing American abstract painting, particularly the Color Field movement. Imai revisits the approach of Ellsworth Kelly, known for depicting realistic elements such as parts of buildings, through the lens of a contemporary individual living in Japan. Incorporating elements of Tokyo's city lights and the vivid hues of fast fashion stores, Imai responds to the overwhelming flood of information and imagery in modern society through the medium of painting.


Additionally, Imai’s works stimulate the unconscious act of "seeing" through the interplay of figure and ground created by his combinations of color. His art urges us to return to the essence of visual expression, emphasizing the importance of being aware of how we see and what we choose to focus on.

Shunsuke Imai
Born in 1978 in Fukui Prefecture, lives and works in Tokyo. He completed his MA in Oil Painting at Musashino Art University in 2004. Major solo exhibitions include: " Skirt and Scene" Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery (2023, Tokyo), " Skirt and Scene" Marugame Inokuma Genichiro Museum of Contemporary Art (2022, Kagawa), "range finder" Kunstverein Grafschaft Bentheim (2019, Neuenhaus, Germany), and "Shiseido Art Egg vol. 8: Shunsuke Imai 'range finder'" at Shiseido Gallery (2014, Tokyo). Major group exhibitions include: " A Personal View of Japanese Contemporary Art: Takahashi Ryutaro Collection" Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (2024, Tokyo), " Iro Iroiro [World of Color and Artworks]” Fukui Fine Art Museum (2021, Fukui), " MOT Collection : Please to meet you. New Acquisitions in recent years”  Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (2019, Tokyo), " Reborn -Update for the Future- Part Ⅱ Creating the NextStage Collection x Contemporary Artists" Fukui Fine Art Museum (2019, Fukui), " Paintings Here and Now" Fuchu Art Museum (2018, Tokyo), " Open Theatre KAAT Totsuzen Museum 2016" KAAT Kanagawa Arts Theatre (2016, Kanagawa), " Through the WindowーContemporary Art in Kasugai" Kasugai Bunka Forum (2016, Aichi), "VOCA 2015: The Vision of Contemporary Art 2015" The Ueno Royal Museum (2015, Tokyo), and " The Way of Painting" Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery (2014, Tokyo).

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